A warm welcome to all who are 60+ but still young at heart. Join us at Blackfriars Settlement for exciting times and to make new friends.
Our Positive Ageing service is buzzing with life, fun and laughter with activities to suit all.
We offer information, advice and support in warm and friendly surroundings. Your needs are our priority.
Join our membership for £10 a year. Many activities are free of charge or very low cost.
To find out more, please call us on 020 7928 9521.
For clubs and activities, email: positiveageing@blackfriars-settlement.org.uk.
For befriending, email: befriending@blackfriars-settlement.org.uk.
Get active, be creative, meet people, have fun!

£1 per person
Franks Club For Men
Join us for darts, pool, table tennis, dominoes and friendly chats over a cup of tea.

Forget-me-not Club
A fun session to exercise our brains and feed our memories.

£1 per person
Art & Craft Social Club
Be creative over a cup of tea, cake and a chat.
£3 per person
Smile Inside – Singing for wellbeing
Experience the joy of singing songs from all eras together in a supportive group. Sessions are light-hearted, inclusive and most of all fun! People living with dementia and their carers are very welcome. Highly recommended for people living with COPD.

£1 per person
Chair Based Exercise
£5.50 per person
Thursday Lunch
Join us for a home-cooked 2-course meal
Knitting Group
Meet your knitting buddies and be creative. Bring your own knitting. We have some spare wool and needles for beginners.
Varied Organised Afternoon programme
Film afternoons, Bingo and Open Mics, Quizzes, Games, Talks and seasonal craft activities – please check our newsletter.
Nightingales Singing Group Practice
A singing group that sings for fun. Weekly practice and performances at local community events. We always need new voices!

Free, £5.50 for lunch
Crusoe Club
A day club for visually impaired older people. Referrals only.
10-11am &
£3 per person
Strength & Balance Exercise
Come along to prevent falls and keep fit.
Computer Support Session
Drop in for advice how to use your mobile and laptop, use our computers and improve your IT skills.

£6 per person
Sunday Lunch Club
Please book your place for roast dinner with the Blackfriars family.
Special events & outings
We run lots of outings and events throughout the year.
Come along, get involved and find out more.
Do you know an older person finding it difficult to get out, or who doesn’t go out at all? One of our trained and caring volunteers could help to bring colour to their life.
- A volunteer will visit or phone on a weekly or fortnightly basis.
- The service is about spending time together. The volunteer and befriendee will benefit and enrich each others lives.
- Volunteers can help clients in their home with correspondence, or take them out shopping or to local places of interest.
All of our volunteers receive training and have an enhanced DBS check and references.
Areas covered:
We mainly cover Southwark SE1, Chaucer and Cathedral wards and the border areas, but please contact us to check areas. We can refer on to our partner organisations if needed.
Take a look at our volunteering page if you’d like to be a befriender.
To refer yourself or someone else:
Ageing Well Southwark

New service for older people and carers in Southwark
We co-deliver Ageing Well Southwark, a borough-wide service service which aims to inform and support residents over the age of 60 and their carers, by helping them discover and access a range of available community services.
We are working in partnership with Southwark Council, as well as our fellow members of COPSINS (Consortium of Older People’s Services in Southwark) comprising Age UK Lewisham & Southwark, Link Age Southwark, Southwark Carers, Southwark Pensioners Centre and Time & Talents.
Manicures, pedicures & aromatherapy.
Neck, shoulders, arms & joints massage

On Wednesdays and on the last Thursday of the month, Marva offers treatments for our members. Please see our newsletter for dates.
Marva charges subsidised prices, so if you are in need of her services please book by calling us on 020 7928 9521.
Reflexology & Foot Massage sessions

Nimmi, our ‘Serendip’ Reflexologist, offers Reflexology on Friday mornings by appointment only and Shinique visits the Settlement every Thursday afternoon for reflexology and foot massage. Both charge subsidised prices for their treatments. Please check our newsletter for more information.

Erika visits twice a month and charges subsidised prices for haircuts. More information in our monthly newsletter.
Read what our members think about the club:
Best thing I've ever done
I have been coming to Blackfriars since I was 55 years old. I knew about Blackfriars Settlement because my mum used to come here.
I joined here and it’s the best thing I’ve ever done.
I come here at least two or three times a week, sometimes more; it depends what activities are going on.
I joined the choir, the Nightingales, and I’ve joined Mary Ward to learn how to play the ukulele.
We also meet up outside the club as well, we go to theatres or to the Queen’s Gallery. You do make friends.
If I wouldn’t come to Blackfriars Settlement and there would not be no clubs, I would be so isolated.
Lee, Positive Ageing member
I feel at peace and I am really happy with myself now
‘Since coming to the Settlement, I noticed that everything has improved. I met a lot of nice people; all staff are friendly, and the exercise helped me a lot.
I used to suffer with lots of pain and now I seldom use my walking stick. Loneliness that I have been feeling is not as bad since coming to the Settlement.
Everybody is doing a great job. I really feel at peace, and I am really happy with myself now.’
Mavis, Positive Ageing Member
I like to think about Blackfriars club, a club for Elderly people ,where we always can find a place to be welcome and to spend so much of our time in a warm and friendly atmosphere .I remember this club ,years ago it was then in Pocock street, with a nice little garden. It was a very old place and we had to move few hundred yards away round the corner, while the building was pulled down and rebuilt for us to return one day.
We had chair exercises, yoga, we were encouraged to participate, a necessity for our old bodies to be kept mobile. Same day, we can do drawing or painting. Last Christmas, we were knitting madly to sell some of our work, to make money for the club. We must remember that money is very short these days, and even worst for clubs. The forget me not club on Tuesday is very popular, as we all forget so much, and we learn there how to remember things. Doing Crosswords and playing memory games is always great fun.
Few times a year, we have trips to the seaside and sometimes we have holidays for few days. We had a class to learn computers, it was full and well attended. There is a nice choir, the songs are simple and popular to enable the spectators to join us when we perform .They have performed at the globe theatre and in different sheltered housing. There is a group for the visually impaired. They meet regularly on Fridays and seem to enjoy themselves very much. A nice cooked meal is available twice a week at a reasonable price. After the meals we have different activities, games, bingo, etc.
Everyone there is feeling welcome. Tina or Siggy is always there to offer a sympathetic ear, to give a hug to someone. Even the worst moaners are taken care of. I am wondering sometimes how they can find so much patience to be so attentive and caring. I only hope we can keep our wonderful organisers in good health and full of energy for the future .Thank you again and God bless you.
A member anon
We are urgently looking for new befriending volunteers!
Support an isolated older person with weekly visits or phone calls to bring colour to their life. Download the application form or read more about the role below.